Junior Club

(Snowplow Sam 1 through Pre-Freeskate)


Junior Club provides additional ice time for Learn to Skate skaters in two ways. First, it provides an opportunity for a skater to practice what they learned in their group lesson. Secondly, it is an opportunity for skaters to hire a coach for individual lessons. Coach contact information can be found on the club website.

Junior club is optional for LTS participants. It gives skaters an opportunity to practice skills or work with a private coach. It is not necessary to have a coach for the Junior Club. If you choose to work with a coach it is your responsibility to communicate with the coach. A skater should communicate with the coach if not able to make a session. If a junior club participant chooses to compete, work with your coach on that process.

Junior club participants must contract for Junior club online.  The cost for junior club is $45. If you choose to have a coach during this time, you will pay the coach directly for their time with the skater.  The coach will bill on a monthly basis. Please pay your coach promptly. 

Need to find a coach?  Coaches are listed here.

Have questions about testing?  Look no further!